Mike Says 9
and so after vast amounts of time and energy were expended the aliens finally created a planet where life could support itself and eventually prosper. Okay that’s it and don’t forget they’ll be a test next week . Oh …….
Mike Says 30
Hey kiddies it’s uncle Mike, back to weave together some more questionable tales that just might be true. As I’ve said many times in the past, I’ve told so many different stories over the years that even I’m not sure…..
Mike Says 23
Hey Fools fans, how yall doin? Huh? Speak up I can’t here you, my ears are filled with water. Sorry I’m late this week but I just returned from a couple of days on Marthas Vineyard where I spent the…..
Fresh, modern pop music. Infectious melodies, smart catchy lyrics and flowing arrangements over deep, hypnotic rhythms with plush layers of sensual sound textures. Big American Rock. WORLD DANCE PARTY 2003 by The Fools The Fools released their biggest album “World…..
Mike Says 42
Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear (your name here if it applies), happy birthday to you. Hello again Fools fans, especially if you’ve got a birthday anytime soon. And if you do, wasn’t it cool…..
Mike Says 20
Good evening fellow travelers, at least its evening where I am, and as I look out over Winsome Valley (as in win some- lose some) from high atop the Fools Mansion, I’m thinking what a long strange trip it’s been……
Mike Says 20
Good evening fellow travelers, at least its evening where I am, and as I look out over Winsome Valley (as in win some- lose some) from high atop the Fools Mansion, I’m thinking what a long strange trip it’s been……
Mike Says15
UGA TOMA PALOOTUK…That, according to my Star Trek dictionary is Klingon for ‘how’s your onion?’ [‘Onion’ in Klingon is another word for the male organ * check last weeks’ column] The very clever Klingon comeback would be “NOGA POOKA TAKALONTEEPUK!”…..
Mike Says 11
Hello again faithful followers, I’m just taking a moment from my home beer-making project to re-up with you all. Someone I met on the street last week thought that just because I had finished the “Before They Were Stars” history…..
World Dance Party 2003
The Fools’ best selling LP ever with its latest look! We think it’s a gold record but then we never were good at math. Features: Life SucksThen You Die, World Dance Party, She Makes Me Feel Big, It’s A Night…..